If I was doing something wrong, my plants would have died long ago. Start off in shade, work up to a brighter location. For the time being, shake your AF to loosen brown fronds. Give yourself permission to enjoy the process! Container media generally tends to creep upward in pH as it ages, this, from the accumulation of the dissolved solids of (primarily) Ca and Mg in irrigation water. My soil is well-draining. In the winter, it’s usually brought indoors – both to protect the plant from the cooler weather and to help clean indoor air. 2.How do I know if pH is correct? Hoya's , photos, Amaryllis, cactus and succulents, fern indoors till spring. A couple examples. If you do notice any pests attacking the fern, use a gentle insecticide soap to remove these insects from the plant, as opposed to a harsh chemical solution. All I would ask, if you choose to continue the debate, is that you remain on topic, which I think is always a fair request. I feel like I'm forgetting something.. See how our discussions get side-tracked? The problem for acid-loving plants is that they are unable to adequately limit their calcium uptake, and will absorb too much of it when available, resulting in cellular pH-values that are too high. JJ - did any of your questions get answered? Luckily he mows the lawn. It was very noticable. Does one work better than the other? For best results and to avoid the leaves turning brown and dropping, mist the plant daily and use a pebble tray. Just resist growing Ivy on your brick. It isn't that they are turning blue on you, it's that they are already blue or lavender based colors to start off with. At the other end of the spectrum, excessive lighting can cause problems with the foliage of your Asparagus Fern, including scorching the leaves and turning them yellow or brown. One reason is room temps are kept cooler by closing vents. :-). Read about Kimberly Queen fern light requirements, plant diseases and pests. I'm really sorry about that, but I think we have an obligation to directly address the issues when others question us, and to provide reliable information. And Toni - there are several ways of measuring media pH, but they aren't done by inserting the probes in the soil. It was a gift from my son, Christmas, 1999. Also consider some landscaping even if it is just some nicely potted flowers on either side of the steps. 'indoors.' I think I made a case that demonstrates that I know what I'm talking about, and I answered JJs questions. Mix above ingredients together. We'll see how much of a difference the dryer makes. If anyone is/was interested in how pH relates to their growing experience, there was a lot of information exchanged between two different viewpoints, so there is, within this thread, good opportunity for people to read what we had to say and decide what is most reasonable, or even to take a little from this and a little from that. Warmer, humid air and daily misting will help revive it. Point to my errors in thinking and I'll point to yours, in a courteous way, of course. JJ also admitted to being very confused by what you said, so I disagreed with much of what you said, and laid out the science behind WHY I offered what I did, and that's where we stand. You've seen my plants - never a blemish on the foliage and always bright green. What type of dryer did you install? Durring July-Sept, we have monsoons, which are humid but nothing compared to the rest of the country. I was under the impression it's really hard to do in a container. You know you have a problem if your fern fronds start looking funky sooner than that. If everything is in solution, how can it not be available. And when soil breaks down, and there's a 2" gap between soil line and upper pot/lid, I top dress. It's especially designed not to disturb the surface of bonsai soils, which can be a problem if too much pressure is used. Email Save Comment 28. Asparagus fern turning brown/dry. If you feel a strong need to disagree, harshly, it's best we do not communicate. No one has been uncivil, and others can learn much from disagreement. Doing this will give you an idea of your soils pH. The readings of even the most expensive laboratory meters tend to "drift" over time and must be brought back to the proper reading fairly often. The same held true for plants that preferred alkaline soils that were grown at low pH levels (around 4.0), as long as Fe, Mg, and particularly Al(uminum) were limited. I stated above I make make a home-made insecticide. I never asked or suggested that you use any particular soil, but I may debate certain points others might make about soils that are unfounded. Cut the Aeoniums back about halfway between the bottom leaves & the top of the plant and you'll end up with something like this:{{gwi:5137}}. I also mentioned that my dad doesn't believe in meters.. but yet you've over looked that too. Science hasn't proved or disproved His existence.Can't cure the common flu, and haven't a clue how aspirin work.Yet, we get flus, and take asprin. There is/was nothing heated in anything I said, and our debates/discussions have nothing to do with how I feel about you as a person. If we don't like disagreement from others, it's best to keep our comments within the limits of our knowledge. This went on from Nov to Apr. Some acid-loving plants also have difficulties absorbing Fe, Mn, Cu, or Zn, which is more tightly held in alkaline soils, another reason why they thrive in low pH (acidic) conditions. I'm curious too - about just how Toni maintains a particular soil pH - how she tests, and what procedure she follows to adjust the pH. Plural. The main difference being, no potting mix in mine, and very little peat. Why is my plumosa fern turning brown? I've read plenty here that misting is just a waste of time and that pebble trays with a fan work better. As far as PH meters, I know my dad has always said they are a waste of time.He grew up on a farm, and the knew what the plants needed by sight. I also have a couple of 'tell' plants that change color as soil solution pH increases. Even my azaleas don't gripe about my unmanaged pH. A blue grey is not necessarily a bad thing with what you are describing that you have in your home . Toni~I really don't see a reason for the outburst up thread.I don't see where Al attacked your soil, or is upset because you don't agree with his. What about rain water? One reason stated,' it's been discovered fluorides/chlorines present in tap turn foliage tips brown. Unless you plan to save the seeds, it’s best to remove them to conserve energy. It holds a little less than a gallon of water. If you disagree, fine..I'm not suggesting you ignore or agree.If I thought for one minute, my advice to someone was wrong, I'd never, ever suggest doing it. Of course, I've done so by looking for validated logic and facts. 6-6.5 seems high for containerized acid lovers . To envision this, think of a tablespoon of salt dissolved in a quart of water - boil (rapid evaporation) off a pint of water and the salt is twice as concentrated in the remaining pint. To ensure the soil is well-drained, add peat moss or a peat moss planting mix. Despite its name; the asparagus fern plant is not really a fern at all. It ranges from 60-70%. The one in this thread or another?? I wish my son took interest in gardening. The brand I use is a heavier, black soil, w/o added Peat. Know what I mean? I appreciate everyone's input and help here.JoJo. Maybe I misread your response, do you mean AZ is more humid in winter than summer?? Well, I have finally figured out how to keep ferns from turning brown … lol. I'm thinking I read somewhere it doesn't.All my notes got moved to do some Christmas baking. The other, less common method, is the leachate pour-through test, but that is somewhat controversial, so I'll skip the description. I appreciate all your help.But the way your mixing your soil wont work for me, I am using different materials. Al, I don't understand why you question my methods. Place the plant in the hole, and fill in around the roots with soil. Fittonia prefers shade to medium light. So I guess you could say we are a little more humid in the summer.I really don't know the difference in humidity between the seasons as far as a percentage goes. One of the ingredients is Lemon. It's such a shame that so many fallacies and old wives' tales surround gardening, and so much misinformation keeps circulating... especially since the science is fairly easy to grasp. For most plants, the desired pH level in a mineral soil is 6.0, 5.5 for a mineral-organic soil, and 5.0 for organic soils. You do have alot of plants. One reason for the browning of your plumosa fern is when it’s experiencing sunburn. Artificial lighting is placed on both sides of the front plant room. The wisest course is silence?? @ decoenthusiate, I have another smaller project posted under design dilemma. I forget the Epsom salt half the time. The Kimberly Fern is still pretty crisp and doesn't look very healthy anymore, but worst of the lot is the Asparagus fern. So,do you mix the vinegar right into the soil or am I reading that wrong? clothes dryer. I have a good memory, Toni, and I see you today, offering advice on a regular basis that we argued vehemently about years ago, and I'm not the one who has changed my perspectives. Before watering your asparagus fern, allow the soil to dry at a 50/50 rate – if the fronds of the plant are a healthy green, this is a sign you are giving it the perfect amount of water – not too little and not too much. Looks like a great, roomy house with plenty to love. I love a good debate as much as the next person, and things can be learned from them when they are kept at a civil level. I found old emails a couple nights ago, dated 2005. Neither is Al. Asparagus Plant Turning Brown and Yellow. Those that require acidic soil, 'ferns, Azalea, Gardenias, etc,' are prepared with various types of packaged soil, Peat, bark chips, and Vinager"". I have given reasons why I believe it works.When Steve discussed the importance of spraying plants, you didn't jump on him..but as soon as I mention the word, misting, you disagree.Misting is one of many disagreements we've had over the years. If I placed a Fitt in a south or west window during winter, it'd do great, however, if a Fittonia was placed in s/w exposure where sun is strong, the poor plant would wilt. This became busy while I was away. Regular watering is particularly important if you grow asparagus ferns in hanging baskets as they can wilt quickly if the little soil they have is too dry. I'm currently remodeling the plant/craft room, so later I will have more hanging plants and such. Asparagus ferns are lucky in that they rarely have problems with major diseases or insects, which means you’ll seldom need to spray them with pesticides. lol.. In hot, arid conditions, you need to provide shade for the asparagus ferns and plenty of water. Also, I never said I top with Peat alone..I used the word, 'Mediums.' I clean up my plants and keep them 'clean' all the time (old leaves removed and no debris left in the top of the pot) and that helps some on not ever seeing them. It's how you/we/I support what we say that helps others determine that. One last thing. tired and drawing a blank on spelling.. LOL! That's one of the reasons I usually refrain from discussing or trying to identify specific insect infestations. Most often than not, pH is where it should be, be it acidic, neutral, alk, depending on the plant. See Photo. Do you know which AF you have? I also fertilize with Acidic fertilizer. That will only be enhanced when painted next to your beige walls etc. Asparagus ferns can withstand full sunlight, although too much sun can cause their leaves to turn a shade of yellow. The usual suspects at this time of year that cause spoiled foliage are usually all related to drought response. When growing this species of plant outside, for best results choose a location that boasts equal amounts of sun and shade. Oh, btw, my plants are usually insect free. Busy painting the house. Another reason the leaves can yellow is due to the initial planting of the fern – place these plants too close together and they won’t receive enough nutrients, as they’ll be fighting against each other. Since pulling 2 club chairs from other living room, it's looking a bit awkward since I put the large chair in there to replace them. I'm hoping to put the fern out in the garden in the spring in the ground. This blog is brought to you by Serenata Flowers, a leading award-winning online florist. Toni. You can have high pH and low alkalinity) I do get some pH movement upward which shows up as an Fe deficiency. IOW, the only reasonable way for a hobby grower to manage pH in their containers with any degree of accuracy/consistency is by managing the pH of the irrigation solution ..... and forget the combination pH/moisture meters. If so, what's the reason? This approach has no basis in scientific soil testing and it is not recommended .....". Our water is simply hard! Do you keep plants inside your home, green house, or outdoors? Keep in mind that an asparagus fern can dry out so much it appears dead. If indoors, opt for a spot that has an average room temperature. Naturally, top dressing is needed. 'I mix a home-made insectide. Can Asparagus Ferns Take Full Sun? A fine mist sprays plants ever 15-30 minutes. Asparagus ferns (also known as Asparagus aethiopicus syn. You may also wish to prune any dead stems to encourage new growth. So, I guess I will have to test our water and go from there. Temperature and Humidity level for Asparagus Fern. As you know, I have over 300 plants. I just explained this in a thread where a person suggested adding elemental Mg to the soil of his citrus trees. Al~Thank you for all your help and input. 'That's where black potting soil, regarding nutrients, comes in handy.'. Under-watering is also a possibility. The same as older soil loses nutrients. Source: Starr. Spider mites are a possible suspect this time of year... and a dry indoor environment is one they love the best. Humidity is necessary and indoor areas are often dry because of winter heat. (thanks) I love my plants, and have always had an outside garden too! When this happens, mediums are added. I'm not much for misting, I feel it doesn't work, and our hard water leaves the plants looking horrible with white marks! It comes naturally. The plants are also extremely tolerant of high temperatures, and as such, they can grow enthusiastically in the height of the summer, where many other plants will wilt. I pray it works. These particular species of plants prefer to be pot-bound, which means the yearly division is not needed or necessary. If the dryer doesn't keep humidity high enough, I will get a humidifier. I read recently that lemon juice will help with water spots, anyone else ever heard of this?? This makes them a great option for sun-drenched gardens. Listed below are common reasons as to why asparagus plants may change color, particularly to brown and yellow. When my humidifer filter needs replacing, isn't working as it should, it can drop as low as 25%.I can't breath when air is dry, so even if I didn't have plants, I'd keep a humidifer going.For plants, it depends on types. Upper Right, Well engaged, this is trim this off and remove it; or if the whole plant looks like this it's going to be tossed. The discussion arose because you made comments related to pH that didn't make any sense to me at all. Place a spiky, shade-loving plant at the center of the pot, and surround it with the gushing branches of the asparagus fern to create a pleasing display – one that is guaranteed to wow those who enter your garden. You may also notice the leaves turning brown and crispy, and this is a tell-tale sign that the plant isn’t receiving enough water. D Pierce. Thanks for sharing your little beauties and for the reminder. I give everyone a good bath once in awhile, and wipe them down and dust. Natural Control. I can tell you insecticidal soap has never seemed to work even if I pretty much drowned the plant in it and it usually has killed the plant at that level. To test the soil, simply dig a small hole, fill it with water, and allow it to drain. Carriage house fireplace room advice please! It seems to me he uses lime to adjust the ph.I am going to try and find the papers. 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