As a process, leadership can be observed inleader behaviors ( Jago, 1982), and can be learned. Others view leadership asa transformational process that moves followers to accomplish more than isusually expected of them. The SAGE handbook of leadership. 456, Leadership Instrument 458Dimensions of Culture Questionnaire 459Summary 464References 465Author Index 467Subject index 477About the Author 491About the Contributors 493, PrefaceThis seventh edition of Leadership: Theory and Practice is written with theobjective of bridging the gap between the often-simplistic popular approachesto leadership and the more abstract theoretical approaches. 97Strengths 98Criticisms 99Application 102Case Studies 103Case 5.1 Marathon Runners at Different Levels 103Case 5.2 Why Aren’t They Listening? Chapter 1 Introduction   9Figure 1.1  The Different Views of Leadership TRAIT PROCESSDEFINITION OF LEADERSHIP DEFINITION OF LEADERSHIP Leader LeaderLeadership • Height Leadership • Intelligence (Interaction) • Extraversion • Fluency • Other Traits Followers FollowersSOURCE: Adapted from A Force for Change: How Leadership Differs From Management(pp. Preconventional Morality 331Level 2. This is one of the first things you notice as a new recruit in basic training. The first section of each chapter briefly describes the leader-ship approach and discusses various research studies applicable to theapproach. 120Strengths 122Criticisms 123Application 124Case Studies 125Case 6.1 Three Shifts, Three Supervisors 126Case 6.2 Direction for Some, Support for Others 128Case 6.3 Playing in the Orchestra 129Leadership Instrument 132Path–Goal Leadership Questionnaire 133Summary 135References 136  7. Leadership training pro-grams that teach people to lead themselves are not considered a part ofleadership within the definition that is set forth in this discussion.Leadership includes attention to common goals. The bases of social power. found thatintelligence, masculinity, and dominance were significantly related to howindividuals perceived leaders. In their work, theyconceptualized power from the framework of a dyadic relationship thatincluded both the person influencing and the person being influenced. In general, manyof the functions of management are activities that are consistent with thedefinition of leadership we set forth at the beginning of this chapter.But leadership is also different from management. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 20(2), 199–213.Smith, J. However, I also believe that the US civilization would and could not exist without the support of the US Army. pages cmSAGE Publications India Pvt. They found a large number of competencies (22)  Leadership in the NHS, Chapter 1 Introduction   15descriptive of both leadership and management (e.g., productivity, customerfocus, professionalism, and goal setting), but they also found several uniquedescriptors for each. Itbegan with an emphasis on identifying the qualities of great persons, shiftedto include the impact of situations on leadership, and, currently, has shiftedback to reemphasize the critical role of traits in effective leadership.Although the research on traits spanned the entire 20th century, a goodoverview of this approach is found in two surveys completed by Stogdill(1948, 1974). London: Pitman.Fisher, B. Kirkpatrick and Locke contended that leadershiptraits make some people different from others, and this difference should berecognized as an important part of the leadership process.In the 1990s, researchers began to investigate the leadership traits associatedwith “social intelligence,” characterized as those abilities to understand one’sown and others’ feelings, behaviors, and thoughts and to act appropriately(Marlowe, 1986). I am in charge maintaining and not disclosing classified information to uncleared individuals. (1992). Gender and Leadership 39716. Authentic Leadership 19510. Position power, which ismuch like assigned leadership, is the power an individual derives from havinga title in a formal organizational system. Zaccaro, Kemp, and Bader(2004) included such social abilities in the categories of leadership traits theyoutlined as important leadership attributes (see Table 2.1).Table 2.1 provides a summary of the traits and characteristics that wereidentified by researchers from the trait approach. The bottom line is that leadership is a complex con- cept for which a determined definition may long be in flux. This viewpoint stresses the capabilities (knowledge andskills) that make effective leadership possible. 29Strengths 30Criticisms 30, Application 32Case Studies 32Case 2.1 Choosing a New Director of Research 33Case 2.2 A Remarkable Turnaround 34Case 2.3 Recruiting for the Bank 36Leadership Instrument 37Leadership Trait Questionnaire (LTQ) 38Summary 40References 41  3. Followers give it to leaders because followers believeleaders have something of value.Treating power as a shared resource is impor-tant because it deemphasizes the idea that leaders are power wielders.While coercion has been a common power brought to bear by many indi-viduals in charge, it should not be viewed as ideal leadership. • Transformation. Leaders have an ethical responsibilityto attend to the needs and concerns of followers. It is much like the words democracy, love, and peace.Although each of us intuitively knows what we mean by such words, thewords can have different meanings for different people. Management Sci- ence, 28(3), 315–336.Kellerman, B. Leadership. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95, 517-529. 385Case 14.2 They Dominated the Conversation 386Case 14.3 Starts With a Bang, Ends With a Whimper 387Leadership Instrument 389Team Excellence and CollaborativeTeam Leader Questionnaire 391Summary 393References 39315. Based on theresearch literature, we describe selected approaches to leadership and assesshow they can be used to improve leadership in real situations. Situational Approach 93  6. ).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Fayol, H. (1916). By takinga closer look at each of these reviews, we can obtain a clearer picture of howindividuals’ traits contribute to the leadership process.Stogdill’s first survey identified a group of important leadership traits thatwere related to how individuals in various groups became leaders. Path–Goal Theory 115Description 115Leader Behaviors 117 Directive Leadership 117 Supportive Leadership 117 Participative Leadership 118 Achievement-Oriented Leadership 118, Follower Characteristics 118Task Characteristics 119How Does Path–Goal Theory Work? Using coercion runs counter to working with followersto achieve a common goal.Leadership and ManagementLeadership is a process that is similar to management in many ways. 259–269), New York: Harper &Row; and “Social Influence and Power,” by B. H. Raven, 1965, in I. D. Steiner & M. The answer is an extended listof traits that individuals might hope to possess or wish to cultivate if theywant to be perceived by others as leaders. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 1220-1233. (2004) found support for the finding that leaderstend to have higher intelligence than nonleaders. Team leaders, plant managers,department heads, directors, and administrators are all examples of assignedleadership.Yet the person assigned to a leadership position does not always become thereal leader in a particular setting. Leadership is about oneindividual influencing a group of others to accomplish common goals. In a study to determine what distinguishescharismatic leaders from others, Jung and Sosik (2006) found thatcharismatic leaders consistently possess traits of self-monitoring, engagementin impression management, motivation to attain social power, and motivationto attain self-actualization. To coerce means to influ-ence others to do something against their will and may include manipulatingpenalties and rewards in their work environment. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Hogg, M. A. 1 - Treat your organization as an unfinished prototype 2 - No brag, just facts 3 - See yourself and your organization as others do_ Many managers are filled with optimism and inflated views of their talents and chances for success. Management is about seek-ing order and stability; leadership is about seeking adaptive and constructivechange.As illustrated in Figure 1.2, the major activities of management are playedout differently than the activities of leadership. For purposes of our discussion in this book, wefocus on the leadership process.   Managers Require; Leaders Inspire, 14  Leadership Theory and PracticeFigure 1.2  Functions of Management and LeadershipManagement Produces Order Leadership Produces Changeand Consistency and MovementPlanning and Budgeting Establishing Direction • Establish agendas • Create a vision • Set timetables • Clarify big picture • Allocate resources • Set strategiesOrganizing and Staffing Aligning People • Provide structure • Communicate goals • Make job placements • Seek commitment • Establish rules and • Build teams and coalitions procedures Motivating and InspiringControlling and Problem Solving • Inspire and energize • Develop incentives • Empower followers • Generate creative solutions • Satisfy unmet needs • Take corrective actionSOURCE: Adapted from A Force for Change: How Leadership Differs From Management(pp. In his second study, heanalyzed another 163 studies completed between 1948 and 1970. They aredifferent in that management traditionally focuses on the activities of plan-ning, organizing, staffing, and controlling, whereas leadership emphasizesthe general influence process. Also, the situation – including follower receptivity (Northouse, 2016, p. 231) – may render servant leadership impractical. Personal Psychology, 57, 61-94. In this book, we describeeach theory and then explain how the theory can be used in real situations.Leadership Defined______________________________There are many ways to finish the sentence “Leadership is . . .” In fact, asStogdill (1974, p. 7) pointed out in a review of leadership research, there arealmost as many different definitions of leadership as there are people whohave tried to define it. 381Strengths 382Criticisms 383Application 384Case Studies 385Case 14.1 Can This Virtual Team Work? 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. On leadership. In an effort to distinguish leadership from manage- ment, however, scholars insisted that leadership is noncoercive influence. London: Sage.Bryman, A., Collinson, D., Grint, K., Jackson, G., & Uhl-Bien, M. icons   Northouse on Leadership   SAGE Journal Article   Audio    Reference Article   Video, AcknowledgmentsMany people directly or indirectly contributed to the development of theseventh edition of Leadership: Theory and Practice. SAGE was founded in 1965 by Sara Miller McCune tosupport the dissemination of usable knowledge by publishinginnovative and high-quality research and teaching content.Today, we publish more than 750 journals, including thoseof more than 300 learned societies, more than 800 newbooks per year, and a growing range of library productsincluding archives, data, case studies, reports, conferencehighlights, and video. These servant leaders have an outstanding understanding of the organization; especially it purposes, complexities, and mission (Northouse, 2016). Asgroups develop over time, a group prototype also develops. 27).Those visionary products, first the Apple II and Macintosh computersand then the iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad, have revolutionized the personalcomputer and electronic device industry, changing the way people play andwork.In the next chapter of this text, which addresses leadership from a skillsperspective, intelligence is identified as a trait that significantly contributesto a leader’s acquisition of complex problem-solving skills and socialjudgment skills. 7 Surprising facts you probably don’t know about the US Army. Leadership, as a process, applies to individuals in both assigned rolesand emergent roles.Related to leadership is the concept of power, the potential to influence.Thereare two major kinds of power: position and personal. (2012). The US Army is an interesting setting, where US citizens from all walks of life come together to fulfill a national security mission. • Figures and tables illustrate the content of the theory and make the ideas more meaningful.Through these special features, every effort has been made to make this textsubstantive, understandable, and practical. Gender and Leadership 397Crystal L. Hoyt and Stefanie SimonDescription 397The Glass Ceiling Turned Labyrinth 398Evidence of the Leadership Labyrinth 398Understanding the Labyrinth 399Gender Differences in Leadership Stylesand Effectiveness 401Navigating the Labyrinth 406Strengths 409Criticisms 410Application 411Case Studies 411Case 15.1 The “Glass Ceiling” 412Case 15.2 Lack of Inclusion and Credibility 413Case 15.3 Pregnancy as a Barrier to Job Status 414Leadership Instrument 415The Gender–Leader Implicit Association Test 416Summary 419References 42016. 259–269), New York: Harper and Row; Zaccaro,Kemp, & Bader (2004).Lord et al. The trait perspective suggests thatcertain individuals have special innate or inborn characteristics or qualitiesthat make them leaders, and that it is these qualities that differentiate themfrom nonleaders. (1991). Cheap paper writing service provides high-quality essays for affordable prices. Studying Power and Leadership   Bases of Power, Chapter 1 Introduction  11Table 1.2  Types and Bases of Power Personal Power Position Power Referent Legitimate Expert Reward Coercive InformationSOURCE: Adapted from A Force for Change: How Leadership Differs From Management(pp. Printed in the United States of America1 Oliver’s Yard Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data55 City Road Northouse, Peter Guy.London EC1Y 1SP Leadershop : theory and practice/Peter Northouse,United Kingdom Western Michigan University.—Seventh Edition. organizational behavior A PRACTICAL, PROBLEM-SOLVING APPROACH DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE PROBLEM SOLVERS TODAY, VALUED LEADERS TOMORROW 2e. New York: HarperCollins.Kotter, J. P. (1990). The result is a decline in respect of leaders and leaders’ legiti-mate power. (Northouse, 2016)” The one of the seven core values in the US Army is integrity. This book would also be useful as a text instudent activities, continuing education, in-service training, and otherleadership-development programs.Instructor Teaching SiteSAGE edge for Instructors, a password-protected instructor resource site,supports teaching by making it easy to integrate quality content and createa rich learning environment for students. It also increases the possibility that leadersand followers will work together toward a common good (Rost, 1991).  The Ethical Dimension of Leadership  Effective Leadership, Chapter 1 Introduction   7Throughout this text, the people who engage in leadership will be calledleaders, and those toward whom leadership is directed will be called followers.Both leaders and followers are involved together in the leadership process.Leaders need followers, and followers need leaders (Burns, 1978; Heller &Van Til, 1983; Hollander, 1992; Jago, 1982). The next section uses case studies to prompt discus-sion of how the approach can be applied in ongoing organizations. Leadership, followership, self, and others. For example, Bennis and Nanus (1985)maintained that there is a significant difference between the two. Download PDF. People who adhere to a strong set ofprinciples and take responsibility for their actions are exhibiting integrity.Leaders with integrity inspire confidence in others because they can betrusted to do what they say they are going to do. This showed good foresight and self-awareness on the US Army’s behalf to understand what the future holds and ability to stay attuned to their physical, social, and political environments (Northouse, 2016). Harvard Business Review, 55, 67–78. Conventional Morality 332Level 3. 3–8), by J. P. Kotter, 1990, New York: Free famous leaders, such as Hitler or Alexander the Great, use power toeffect change in others is titillating to many people because it underscoresthat power can indeed effectuate change and maybe if they had power theytoo could effectuate change. Preface   xixAudience This book provides both an in-depth presentation of leadership theory anda discussion of how it applies to real-life situations. (1986) reassessed Mann’s (1959) findings using a moresophisticated procedure called meta-analysis. Fishbein(Eds. People havepower when they have the ability to affect others’ beliefs, attitudes, andcourses of action. Cartwright (Ed. It is these six traits that make up the  Leadership Presence   Florence Nightingale, Chapter 2 Trait Approach   23Table 2.2    Major Leadership Traits• Intelligence • Integrity• Self-confidence • Sociability• Determination“right stuff ” for leaders. In Chapter 2, we will discuss a large body of research that has exam-ined these personal qualities.  Development of Leadership  Followership. 7–8) contended that both management and lead-ership are essential if an organization is to prosper. When aperson is engaged in leadership, that person is a leader, whether leadership  Ordinary Leaders, 10  Leadership Theory and PracticeTable 1.1  Six Bases of PowerReferent Power Based on followers’ identification and liking for the leader. We write high quality term papers, sample essays, research papers, dissertations, thesis papers, assignments, book reviews, speeches, book reports, custom web content and business papers. A force for change: How leadership differs from management. Army Leadership [ADP 6-22]. It is the influence  Types of Power, 12  Leadership Theory and Practicecapacity a leader derives from having higher status than the followers have.Vice presidents and department heads have more power than staff personneldo because of the positions they hold in the organization. Lord et al. Classic examplesof coercive leaders are Adolf Hitler in Germany, the Taliban leaders inAfghanistan, Jim Jones in Guyana, and North Korea’s Supreme Leader KimJong-il, each of whom has used power and restraint to force followers toengage in extreme behaviors.It is important to distinguish between coercion and leadership because itallows us to separate out from our examples of leadership the behaviorsof individuals such as Hitler, the Taliban, and Jones. Cheap essay writing sercice. Leaders change the way peoplethink about what is possible.Although there are clear differences between management and leadership,the two constructs overlap. The second section of each chapter evaluates the approach, high-lighting its strengths and criticisms. Leader–Member Exchange Theory 137Description 137Early Studies 137Later Studies 140Leadership Making 142How Does LMX Theory Work? Ranique Tedder. 18  Leadership Theory and PracticeFleishman, E. A., Mumford, M. D., Zaccaro, S. J., Levin, K. Y., Korotkin, A. L., & Hein, M. B. For example, Smith and Foti(1998) found that certain personality traits were related to leadership emer-gence in a sample of 160 male college students. Research shows that high LMX quality is associated with a range of positive follower outcomes They are in the leadership relationshiptogether—and are two sides of the same coin (Rost, 1991).Leadership Described____________________________In addition to definitional issues, it is important to discuss several otherquestions pertaining to the nature of leadership. These traits enablethose individuals to induce others to accomplish tasks. Business Insider. When leadership is definedin this manner, it becomes available to everyone. Diagnosing this complex problem and implementing new policy, now allows those willing and able females to join combat arms military occupational specialties. This leads them to downplay risks and to commit an escalation of commitment bias. They have historically adapted and changed US Army doctrine to adjust to societal norms. Many of the Spears (2002) ten characteristics are part of a much larger cultural philosophy in the U.S. For instance, empathy, listening, helping others and building community are generally accepted as integral to being a respectful, concerned citizen. Servant leadership: Development of a multidimensional measure and multi-level assessment. Ltd.3 Church Street This book is printed on acid-free paper.#10-04 Samsung HubSingapore 049483 15 16 17 18 19 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Acquisitions Editor:  Maggie Stanley Associate Editor:  Abbie Rickard Editorial Assistant:  Nicole Mangona Production Editor:  Libby Larson Copy Editor:  Melinda Masson Typesetter:  C&M Digitals (P) Ltd. Proofreader:  Sally Jaskold Indexer:  Sheila Bodell Cover Designer:  Gail Buschman Marketing Manager:  Liz Thornton Digital Content Editor: Katie Bierach, Brief ContentsPreface xvii 1. Thus, it is intended forundergraduate and graduate classes in management, leadership studies,business, educational leadership, public administration, nursing and alliedhealth, social work, criminal justice, industrial and organizational psychol-ogy, communication, religion, agricultural education, political and militaryscience, and training and development. The prevailing definition of leadershipas behavior that influences people toward shared goals was under-scored by Seeman (1960) who described leadership as “acts by personswhich influence other persons in a shared direction” (p. 53).1970sThe group focus gave way to the organizational behavior approach,where leadership became viewed as “initiating and maintaining groupsor organizations to accomplish group or organizational goals” (Rost,1991, p. 59). In our discussions ofleadership, coercive people are not used as models of ideal leadership. 20  Leadership Theory and PracticeAlliger (1986) found that traits were strongly associated with individuals’perceptions of leadership. Leadership and followership: Some summary propo- sitions. 149–152).In a recent study, Simonet and Tett (2012) explored how leadership andmanagement are best conceptualized by having 43 experts identify the over-lap and differences between leadership and management in regard to 63different competencies. A supervisor who gives rewards to employees who work hard is using reward power.Coercive Power Derived from having the capacity to penalize or punish others. Stressingmutuality lessens the possibility that leaders might act toward followers inways that are forced or unethical. Hale, J. R., & Fields, D. L. (2007). Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C. Retrieved on July 23, 2017, from Leaders and followers work together to create real change,whereas managers and subordinates join forces to sell goods and services(Rost, 1991, pp. Self-confidenceis the ability to be certain about one’s competencies and skills. New York: Free Press.Watson, C., & Hoffman, L. R. (2004). In these instances,power is conceptualized as a tool that leaders use to achieve their own ends.Contrary to this view of power, Burns (1978) emphasized power from arelationship standpoint. Behavioral Approach 71  5. The second largest organization in the US has historically evolved and conceptualizing societal trends for the betterment of its employees. • Every chapter contains a discussion of the strengths and criticisms of the approach under consideration, and assists the reader in determin- ing the relative merits of each approach. From their findings, the authors arguedstrongly that traits could be used to make discriminations consistently acrosssituations between leaders and nonleaders.Both of these studies were conducted during periods in American historywhere male leadership was prevalent in most aspects of business and society.In Chapter 15, we explore more contemporary research regarding the role ofgender in leadership, and we look at whether traits such as masculinity anddominance still bear out as important factors in distinguishing betweenleaders and nonleaders.Yet another review argues for the importance of leadership traits: Kirkpatrickand Locke (1991, p. 59) contended that “it is unequivocally clear that leadersare not like other people.” From a qualitative synthesis of earlier research,Kirkpatrick and Locke postulated that leaders differ from nonleaders on sixtraits: drive, motivation, integrity, confidence, cognitive ability, and taskknowledge. Leaders with higher abilities mayhave difficulty communicating with followers because they are preoccupiedor because their ideas are too advanced for their followers to accept.An example of a leader for whom intelligence was a key trait was Steve Jobs,founder and CEO of Apple who died in 2011. Their ongoing feedback has helpedclarify my thinking about leadership and encouraged me to make plain thepractical implications of leadership theories. Inaddition, people are often intrigued by how leaders use their power. The US Army’s model of servant leadership helps sustain operations, complete the mission and fulfil commander priorities objectives. More than a century has lapsed since leadership became a topic of academic introspection, and definitions have evolved continuously during that period. Social status and leadership. They seek toshape ideas instead of responding to them and act to expand the availableoptions to solve long-standing problems. Go to to access the com-panion site.Student Study SiteSAGE edge for Students provides a personalized approach to help studentsaccomplish their coursework goals in an easy-to-use learning environment.Mobile-friendly eFlashcards and practice quizzes strengthen understandingof key terms and concepts and allow for independent assessment by studentsof their mastery of course material. Is not wavier and one that all soldiers must uphold while serving, complexities, and teachers all! Approach, high-lighting its strengths and criticisms where he treated “all comers” and trainedlocal health care workers putting... Army leaders treat classified information to uncleared individuals byothers, based on followers’ perceptions of the Army, Washington D.C.. Ascribed to them and act to expand the availableoptions to in lmx leaders treat followers long-standing problems by maintaining not. 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